Stand Up Desk Adjustment Guides for New Users

If the stand up desk is for you and you only
Sit comfortably in your chair, feet flat on the floor while wearing typical shoes, with your upper arm resting at your sides and your elbow bent as if you were typing on your keyboard (don't reach forward, stay comfortable!), and measure the distance from the floor to the underside of your elbow. When working, your keyboard height should be at roughly that height or below.
Stand up and take the same measurement. If you intend to use an anti-fatigue floor mat, also consider that height when taking this measurement.
Select a stand up desk that adjusts at least as low as your sitting elbow height and at least as high as your standing elbow height.
If you're a shorter person and are unable to find a table that adjust low enough, consider adding a footrest or an adjustable height keyboard tray to your workstation;
Also consider adding casters to your stand up desk to create a flexible office environment, and be sure to consider the caster height in determining your final height adjustment range.
If the stand up desk is to be used by two or a few people
Follow the same procedure described for “you and you only,” above, but do it for each of the users (or at least the shortest and the tallest users);
Select a desk that adjusts at least as low as the shortest sitting elbow height and at least as high as the tallest standing elbow height;
If you're unable to accommodate a shorter user, consider adding a footrest or an adjustable height keyboard tray to your workstation.
If the stand up desk will be used in a workplace or common area
In this case, you need to consider that employees may come and go, and that the desk may also be used by different people doing different tasks or working different shifts. You never know how tall or short a user may be, and you can't be sure of the type of work they may perform, so you need the greatest amount of adjustment range you can justify. Since populations vary in height from country to country, region to region, it's important that your selection will fit your particular population characteristics.
Maidesite Desk specialize in ergonomic intelligent furniture manufacturing for 6 years. With the goal of leading the new trend of smart and healthy office furniture, we provide complete products and services for customers who love work and pursue high quality life.